Your carpets get nasty odors, buildup of stains, and many allergens, causing strange conditions for homeowners. To get rid of all these and the discoloration of the carpet, individuals prefer DIY carpet cleaning that can be further harsh to your carpet. Carpet cleaning in Burlington can be performed in several ways, but catching the right one is the real achievement. There are pitfalls of renting a machine for carpet cleaning in Burlington, resulting in a significant loss to the appearance and quality of your carpet. Renting a carpet cleaner is not a big deal for now because it is readily available in hardware stores or any other supermarket. It becomes hectic in several ways and low-quality cleaning of your carpet. Here are some reasons for not getting a carpet cleaning machine as a purpose of DIY cleaning and getting the point why you should hire a professional carpet cleaner in Burlington.

Pit of Lost Time

When you decide to perform carpet cleaning on your own, keep in mind that you'll lose time. First, you must visit a hardware store or any other market to rent a carpet cleaner machine. Then you have to load it in your car using your petrol. That is where money comes into play. Then you have set it up and need time to learn how to operate it. You must understand its section on where to add detergents and how to use this effectively to clean a carpet. All this sequence takes up a lot of your time, and when you finish all this, you must return it to the store. 

So, getting free from all this now you realize that hiring the machine, bringing it home, purchasing cleaning products, spending time for its operation, and further cleaning your carpet takes time and comparatively more money that is very precious to you. This process becomes very tiring, so a carpet cleaning expert in Burlington, like Fresh Maple, is recommended. They are performing carpet cleaning in Burlington efficiently at reasonable prices. 

What Can be the Result of the Overuse of Water?

Your hired carpet cleaner machine is functional when you provide tremendous water to the reservoir. To fill it at the mark point, you start by cleaning the carpet. But here is a question. Do you know what the moving speed of your machine should be while cleaning the carpet? Obviously, no, because you're not professional. This overuse of water can harm your carpet and make it dry. You must become more familiar with drying because it requires long air circulation and a proper room environment. Oversoaking of your carpet causes shrinking and leaving the walls from the bottom. Due to overuse of water, your carpet becomes host to fungal and allergens. This treatment causes damps and leaves you at a loss. Your carpet cleaning experience worsens and can damage your property, time, and money.

Why Does Your Carpet Smell Foul?

There can be several reasons for foul-smelling from your carpet. But some of them are 

● Water overuse

● Damp

● Allergen

● Mold and Mildew

All these can cause a foul smell from your carpet, resulting in a faulty cleaning method and overuse of water. Your carpets are not treated under the proper water extraction, which makes your carpet defective and host to many allergens. Fresh Maple's experts use tailored solutions to your carpet issues and know how much water is necessary for proper carpet cleaning and how to properly manage any carpet.

Equipment Efficiency and Detergents

The home-purchased or hired carpet cleaning machines could be more efficient in dealing with heavy carpets. Professionals have specialized carpet cleaning instruments and know how to use them efficiently. Furthermore, more than home cleaning detergents for carpets are needed because they have limited power. Their unwashed layer on the carpet can be an early re-building of the soil layer in your carpet. 


There are more efficient ways to hire or purchase a carpet cleaning machine. The DIY cleaning method could be better because we will waste our time, money, and carpet property. This DIY Carpet cleaning in Burlington is insufficient because of a lack of expertise and inefficiency. Hire experts from Fresh Maple in Burlington to get personalized solutions for your carpet cleaning in Burlington.